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Guidance for the management of bowel irrigation (rectal washout) for infants < 1 year old.
Used for: Hirschsprung’s Disease, Meconium Ileus, Gastroschisis and Distal Loop Washouts.
Currently there is no national consensus regarding the procedure of Rectal Washout (RWO) or Distal Loop Washout (DLWO) for infants less than one year of age. A literature search highlights the variability of the volumes of 0.9% Sodium Chloride used either per instillation or per procedure; which type of tube should be inserted or how far to advance the rectal tube. The guidance in this document has been developed by the Neonatal Surgical Benchmarking Group to reflect current practice in the neonatal surgical unit at QEH. The guidance is recommended for use by neonatal units in the West of Scotland when caring for infants with Hirschsprung’s Disease, and other gastrointestinal conditions requiring bowel irrigation. Where necessary, local neonatal units should seek further advice from the surgical liaison team.
Rectal washout is a means of emptying and cleansing the lower bowel with the use of a catheter and 0.9% Sodium Chloride and is often required in conditions where infants are unable to empty the large bowel effectively i.e. Hirschsprung’s disease, meconium ileus, anorectal malformations, post closure of gastroschisis and functional constipation. Distal Loop Washouts may be required in the peri-operative period in infants with established stomas where the distal (non-functioning) intestine requires cleansing prior to closure of stoma.
Prior to rectal washouts it is essential to assess the infant’s condition and feeding pattern to determine the effectiveness of the previous washout. Any marked changes in condition should be reported to the clinical team.
1. Hirschsprung’s Disease (HD)
Infants with this condition are unable to pass stool effectively, due to the absence of ganglion cells (aganglionosis) within the intestinal wall, resulting in a lack of peristalsis and a functional bowel obstruction. The length of bowel affected is variable but in the majority of infants it affects the distal (rectosigmoid) part of the colon. Prior to corrective surgery, infants with HD require decompression of the colon through rectal washouts or alternatively, the formation of a stoma. The most widely used practice in the UK is decompression with rectal washouts followed by a primary pull-through, avoiding the need for a stoma. If the colon cannot be effectively decompressed with washouts, a stoma is required to allow the infant to be established on enteral feeds, and to prevent the serious complication of Hirschsprung’s enterocolitis (HE).
2. Meconium Ileus (MI)
This condition presents in the neonatal period, causing intestinal obstruction due to thick, sticky meconium within the intestines and usually occurs in the context of Cystic Fibrosis. In cases where the infant is clinically stable small volumes of 0.9% Sodium Chloride (see individual section for volumes) may be prescribed for bowel irrigation. Acetylcysteine, a mucolytic agent (10ml/kg/dose of 2% or 4% solution) may be prescribed by the paediatric surgeon to aid in the breakdown of inspissated meconium, allowing it to be passed more easily.
3. Gastroschisis
Gastroschisis is a congenital defect in the abdominal wall in which the abdominal contents (small and occasionally large bowel) herniates. Gastrointestinal dysmotility is often associated with gastroschisis after closure of the defect, leaving many infants unable to pass stools effectively. Smaller volumes of 0.9% Sodium Chloride (10-20mls/kg) will be required for daily bowel irrigation/stimulation and should be prescribed by the Paediatric Surgeon.
4. Post stoma surgery distal loop washout (DLWO)
DLWO can be used in conditions such as ano-rectal malformations and anomalies associated with a microcolon, to irrigate or distend the large intestine, when an ileostomy or colostomy has previously been formed. A catheter is passed through the mucus fistula (non-functioning stoma) and guided gently into the lower segment of large bowel. 0.9% Sodium Chloride (10-20ml/kg) is used in 10– 20ml increments to irrigate the distal loop, allowing fluid to drain from the anus or until the solution runs clear.
How much 0.9% Sodium Chloride do I use?
It will depend on the infant’s weight and condition. It should be warm sterile 0.9% Sodium Chloride, and instilled in stages. Each instillation should rarely exceed 10ml/kg body weight and the total volume used can be between 50-500mls per kilogram of body weight. The volume should be confirmed by the treating Paediatric Surgeon (e.g. if the baby weighs 3kgs, a maximum of 1500mls of the solution may be required, but only 20-30mls of fluid should be instilled each time).
While in the hospital, the 0.9% Sodium Chloride solution is stored in a warming cabinet at a temperature of 37-38 degrees. At home parents are advised to stand the bottles of 0.9% Sodium Chloride in a basin of hot water. The temperature of the fluid should be “hand hot”.
An initial total volume of 50mls/kg is recommended and gradually increased over the first few days until effective decompression is achieved (the total volume of 0.9% Sodium Chloride should not exceed 500mls/kg). If maximal volumes are consistently required, medical staff should be consulted regarding the need to assess for serum biochemical instability (U&Es). If the abdomen is not adequately decompressed or the returning fluid remains dirty, twice or even three times daily washouts maybe required initially.
Signs of Entercolitis
Problem solving for rectal washout in HD
Most of the problems with the process of the washout involve stools that are too thick and block the tube or prevent the tube from passing into the rectum.
A rectal washout is only performed on babies presenting with meconium ileus who are clinically stable. It is usually carried out soon after admission or after a contrast enema has been done. The rationale for rectal washouts in this setting is to distend the small calibre colon, and to clear inspissated meconium/mucous plugs. Repeat washouts or the instillation of Acetylcysteine should prescribed by Paediatric Surgeon.
Drug |
Route |
Dose |
Preparation |
(per rectum) Enema |
10ml/kg/dose 6hrly using a 2-4% solution. |
2g/10mls=20% 2% solution is prepared by diluting 1ml injection with 9ml of 0.9% Sodium Chloride 4% solution is prepared by diluting 2ml injection with 9ml of 0.9% Sodium Chloride Recommended rectal contact time of 10-15 minutes |
How much 0.9% Sodium Chloride do I use?
The total washout volume should be 10-50mls per kilogram of body of weight warm sterile 0.9% Sodium Chloride, (unless otherwise directed by the treating Paediatric Surgeon). As the colon is usually of small calibre, the 0.9% Sodium Chloride should be instilled in 5-10ml aliquots.
As per Hirschsprung’s Disease.
As per Hirschsprung’s Disease using the prescribed Acetylcysteine solution.
Note: Only advance the catheter the distance of the lower colon (5-10cm) or until resistance is felt.
Rectal washouts or glycerine suppository may be prescribed daily or on alternate days after post operative repair of gastroschisis. The washout should be performed with care and the purpose is to only evacuate the lower segment of the large bowel or rectum.
How much 0.9% Sodium Chloride do I use?
Warm sterile 0.9% Sodium Chloride 10-20mls per kilogram of body weight, unless otherwise directed by the treating Paediatric Surgeon.
As per Hirschsprung’s Disease.
As per Hirschsprung’s Disease.
Note: The catheter should only be advanced to the length of the rectum (5-10cm). Never force the catheter in.
The procedure is carried out pre closure of ileostomy/colostomy to ensure the large intestine segment from the mucus fistula to the anus is clean.
How much 0.9% Sodium Chloride do I use?
Warm sterile 0.9% Sodium Chloride 10-20mls per kilogram of body weight, unless otherwise directed by the treating Paediatric Surgeon.
As per Hirschsprung’s Disease.
Bradnock T and Walker G (2008). The current management of Hirschsprung’s Disease in the UK: A National Summary of Practice.
Carman M (2005). Management Medical Treatment Bowel Irrigation with Sodium chloride 0.9% Solution? Colon and Rectal Surgery. Oxford
Chattopadhyay, Anindya, Prakash, Bhanu, Vepakomma, Deepti, Nagendhar, Yoga, Vijsyskumsr (2004). A prospective comparison of two regimes of bowel preparation for paediatric colorectal procedures: sodium chloride 0.9% with added potassium vs. polyethylene glycol. Paediatric Surgery International. Vol 20, No. 2, p127 - 129 (3)
Royal Childrens Hospital Melbourne. Clinical Guidelines (Hospital). Neonatal Bowel Washout.
Gabra H, Stewart R, Nour S (2007). Mid-gut malrotation and associated Hirschsprung’s Disease: a diagnostic dilemma. Paediatric Surgery International. 23: 703 - 705
Hosseini S, Foroutan H, Zeraation S, Sabet B (2008). Botulinium toxins, as bridge to transanal pull through in neonate with Hirschsprung’s Disease. Journal of Indian Association of Paediatric Surgeons. Vol 13, Iss 2, p69 - 71
Junj K, Masahiro N, Norihiro N, Shuichi Y, Yoshihirok, Akiko K (2003). Preoperative Colonic Decompression and Irrigation Through a Transanal Tube to Perform the One-Stage Pull-Through procedure for Hirschsprung’s Disease. Journal of the Japanese Society of Paediatric Surgeons. Vol 39, No 1, p73 - 78
Kessman J (2006). Hirschsprung’s Disease: Diagnosis and Management. American Family Physician. 74: 1319 - 1322/1327 - 1328.
Lee S, Puapong D, Dubois J (2006). Hirschsprung’s Disease. Medscape.
Molenaar J and Meijers C (1998). Hirschsprung’s Disease in Paediatric Surgery (Chapter 23). In: Paediatric Surgery London. Ed Arnold Publishers
Parithan P, Chiengkriwate P, Chow Chuvech V, Patrapinyoleuls, Sangkhathat S (2007). Bowel prescription for pull-through operation in Hirschsprung’s Disease. Sangkla Medical Journal. 25 (5): 401 - 406
Robb A and Lander A (2008). Hirschsprung’s Disease. Surgery (Oxford). Vol 26,
Last reviewed: 08 September 2020
Next review: 01 September 2023
Author(s): Mr T. Bradnock, Mr G. Walker and Specialist Nurse M Reeves