MRI cardiac scan [patient information leaflet]
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MRI cardiac scan [patient information leaflet]

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Your doctor has referred you for an MRI Cardiac scan. This will take place in the imaging department (also known as Radiology or X-Ray department) on either the Ground Floor or First Floor of the Royal Hospital for Children. Please refer to your appointment letter for guidance on when to attend.

What is an MRI scan? 

An MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scan uses giant magnets inside a special machine to take pictures of the inside of the body. You will lie on a comfortable bed which slides into the middle of the machine to take the pictures. MRI does not use any X-Rays to take the pictures and does not have any side effects. In cardiac MRI scans we look at your heart and the tubes which take the blood into and out of the heart. 

What do I need to think about before coming for the scan?

Please refer to the leaflet for information about preparing for the scan, special instructions for eating and drinking and what to wear, and what will happen at your appointment.

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 01 May 2021

Next review: 31 May 2023

Author(s): Radiology Department, RHCG

Version: 1