To provide a guideline for the management of paediatric patients with congenital heart disease (CHD) requiring MRI under general anaesthetic.
This guideline is intended for all healthcare professionals involved in the care of paediatric patients with CHD requiring MRI under general anaesthetic.
All healthcare professionals involved in the care of paediatric patients with CHD requiring MRI under general anaesthetic should be familiar with this guideline.
This guideline covers the pathway of a paediatric patient with congenital heart disease (CHD) requiring MRI under general anaesthetic.
Attendance Admittance to Day Surgery Unit (DSU) or ward 1E will depend on the patient’s clinical status to provide optimum patient safety. Patient details will be emailed by the MRI Unit Coordinator to the Cardiology Advanced Nurse Practitioners (ANP’s) who will vet requests, decide on patient placement and if cardiology investigations of echo and ECG are required pre procedure. If the Cardiology ANP is unsure the patient presentation will be discussed with the anaesthetist. to decide on admittance to ward 1E or DSU.
Patients requiring admittance to ward 1E will be admitted on the day of the procedure. should attend cardiac pre-assessment clinic, as ward 1E has no capacity to accommodate elective MRI patients the day before the procedure
Cardiac MRI is an investigation ordered by the patient’s cardiology consultant, via Trakcare.
There is a tick box to indicate any exclusion criteria to DSU, if there are no exclusions the patient will attend DSU.
Providing sufficient information on the request form will allow informed planning and a coordinated patient admission, consider:
Attend MRI department.
If difficult access they will attend ward 1C for cannulation.
No contact with the Cardiology MDT.
The anaesthetist will decide if same day discharge is appropriate, instructions recorded on anaesthetic chart.
Prior to discharge ensure the following criteria are met:
Same day discharge post general anaesthetic requires private transport.
There is no facility to provide overnight hospital accommodation pre or post procedure, unless clinically indicated.
Parents are encouraged to make their own arrangements to stay in Glasgow if travelling from a distance.
The radiology department will attempt to provide timing of the procedure to assist with travel.
Last reviewed: 14 December 2020
Next review: 14 December 2023
Author(s): Alison Buller
Approved By: Clinical Effectiveness
Reviewer Name(s): Paediatric Cardiology Dept