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Screening and management of hypoglycaemia in term infants in the first 48 hours of life.
This document and complementary flow charts details the criteria for screening and the subsequent management term infants at risk of hypoglycaemia during the first 48 hours of life. These infants may have impaired metabolic adaptation, and be potentially at risk of neurological damage when their blood glucose levels fall. They therefore require prompt and appropriate intervention.
This guideline is applicable to all Midwifery, Nursing and Medical staff caring for the newborn in The West of Scotland neonatal MCN and is cognisant of recent recommendations contained within the BAPM Framework for Practice, “Identification and management of neonatal hypoglycaemia in the full term infant, October 2017”1. Staff should be familiar with guidelines for the management of persistent or refractory hypoglycaemia which are separate to this document. All the advice regarding feeding and fluids within this document assume that there are no other medical issues. Where this is not the case individualised care plans will be required.
The importance of parents as partners in care is reinforced throughout this guidance which includes a parent information leaflet (Appendix) which explains why their baby is receiving extra monitoring for blood glucose levels and how to raise concerns about their baby’s feeding pattern or well being.
The definition of neonatal hypoglycaemia remains controversial1 2 as the neonate has the unique ability to utilise alternative fuels such as ketone bodies and lactate to sustain brain metabolism within the first days of life3. A recent consensus defined neonatal hypoglycaemia as a plasma glucose concentration of 2.5mmol/l or less.
It is important to note that these thresholds are raised to 3.0mmol/L in infants with suspected hyperinsulinism4 in the first 48hours.
3 groups of babies merit medical attention:
Signs and Symptoms of Hypoglycaemia in the Neonate Hypoglycaemia may present in a number of ways within the first 48 hours of life. These include;
This list is not exhaustive. Medical review should be obtained for any generally unwell infant as these symptoms may warrant further investigation and consideration of other causes including sepsis |
The normal breastfed baby may feed very infrequently or be reluctant to feed in the first 48 hours and small volumes of hand expressed colostrum are usually sufficient5. The importance of early expressing in the hours immediately after birth needs to be highlighted to staff and mothers. Supplementary feeds in these babies are unnecessary and can potentially undermine the confidence of the breastfeeding mother and may interfere with the normal metabolic adaptive responses that occur in the first few postnatal days6.
Neonatal review and initiation of blood glucose measurements should only be necessary in such babies if they are unduly sleepy or hypotonic or if there are other signs of clinical illness. Abnormal feeding behaviour as described below should prompt full clinical assessment and consideration of blood glucose measurement
A baby at significant risk of hypoglycaemia, or who has symptoms which may be secondary to hypoglycaemia, should be screened with regular monitoring of the capillary glucose concentrations.
Near patient testing devices tend to be less accurate in the lower range, especially < 2.0mmol/l7and therefore all low values (≤2.6mmol/L) require confirmation using blood gas analysis as this is considered the gold standard for measuring blood glucose.
Hand held glucometers should meet ISO standards (ISO15197:2013) and have CE marking as described in the BAPM Framework. If a handheld glucometer is used, low levels must be confirmed using an accurate method as cot-side monitors may be inaccurate in the lower ranges and require checking using a True Blood Glucose (TBG) to guide therapy A TBG can be obtained by sending a formal laboratory sample but significant delays can occur in obtaining a result, alternatively a TBG can also be obtained from a blood gas analyser, where available, as these are equally reliable8. All units must ensure they have readily accessible methods for accurate measurement of a TBG . Each unit must be aware of the characteristics of any near patient testing device used in their hospital.
Local Arrangements for Confirming Blood Glucose <2.6mmol/L GG&C - GG&C Maternity and Neonatal units use the Precision Exceed Pro meter©. For this device glucose values 2.6 - 3.0mmol/l may prove to be <2.6mmol/l when a TBG is obtained from a blood gas machine or laboratory testing. Therefore a TBG should be obtained for:
If normal adaptive metabolic and endocrine responses to extra-uterine life are absent or sub-optimal then babies are at increased risk of developing clinically significant hypoglycaemia.
The mainstay of management in this group is the prevention of hypoglycaemia by feeding early and regularly and keeping the baby warm.
Infants at risk of hypoglycaemia should be nursed with their mother in the postnatal ward unless there is a specific medical reason for admission to the neonatal unit.
Risk Factors for Hypoglycaemia
Gestational Age (weeks) |
Boys Weight (Kg) |
Girls Weight (Kg) |
37 |
2.1 |
2.0 |
38 |
2.3 |
2.2 |
39 |
2.5 |
2.45 |
40 |
2.65 |
2.6 |
41 |
2.8 |
2.75 |
42 |
2.9 |
2.85 |
Birth weight gestational age thresholds for second centile in Kg by sex
(if birth weight is less than the defined threshold by sex and gestation of birth in weeks baby requires monitoring)
Blood Glucose >2.5mmol/l
Green Zone/Flowchart A - Pre-Feed Glucose 2.0-2.5mmol and NO abnormal clinical signs |
Amber Zone/Flowchart B – Glucose 1.0 - 1.9 mmol/l - Supplement and Paediatric review |
If baby is not feeding adequately consider admission to SCBU/TC for NG feeding.
Red Zone/Flowchart C - Pre-Feed Glucose <1.0mmol/l OR Clinical Signs Consistent with Hypoglycaemia at a higher blood glucose concentration |
Transient hypoglycaemia defined as ONE measurement of 1.0 to 1.9mmol/l within the first 48 hours of life in an infant with no abnormal signs who is feeding effectively DOES NOT require such investigations.
A new born with persistent (3 or more) episodes of blood glucose < 2.0 mmol/l within the first 48 hours of life or < 1.0 mmol/l at any time should undergo consideration of investigations for persistent hypoglycaemia (See WoS Guideline for persistent or Refractory Hypoglycaemia). These investigations must be taken during the period of hypoglycaemia.
In addition to metabolic investigations in infants with persistent hypoglycaemia consider screening and treating for sepsis
In most babies, hypoglycaemia is transient, lasting only a few days, and may be managed with moderate increases in glucose intake. It is very important to identify those infants with refractory hypoglycaemia (hypoglycaemia persisting despite a glucose intake of > 10mg/kg/min of glucose) or persistent hypoglycaemia (hypoglycaemia persisting for more than 2-3 days), as the aetiology is likely to be different. Infants with refractory hypoglycaemia are uncommon, and should be discussed with the attending Consultant. Refractory hypoglycaemia carries a very significant risk of long term neurological problems and metabolic disease will need to be excluded.
For babies who are on a combination of different fluids +/- milk there is a handy online calculator at http://nicutools.org/
Weight of Baby (Kg) |
Volume of Gel (ml) |
1.5-1.99 |
1.0 |
2.0-2.99 |
1.5 |
3.0-3.99 |
2.0 |
4.0-4.99 |
2.5 |
5.0-5.99 |
3.0 |
6.0-6.99 |
3.5 |
Method of administration
A Neonatal Doctor/ANP must review all babies receiving a dose of buccal glucose gel and that they remain asymptomatic with no concerning clinical signs, review (Temp, RR, HR)
All doses of buccal gel MUST be given in line with the agreed pre-printed prescription and the date and time clearly documented on this as well as appropriate section of the NEWS chart
BG must be obtained within 30-60 minutes of any dose of buccal glucose gel to monitor response
If blood glucose remains 1.0-1.9 mmol/l give second dose of buccal gel.
Regardless of blood glucose measurement recorded 30-60 minutes post administration of buccal gel a repeat must be obtained no more than 3 hours later as theoretically a delayed drop in blood glucose may occur.
If >2 doses of buccal gel required within a 24 hour period requires SCBU/TC admission
Last reviewed: 21 March 2023
Next review: 01 March 2026
Author(s): Dr Natalie Smee – Paediatric Trainee RHC; Dr Lesley Jackson – Neonatal Consultant RHC
Co-Author(s): Other Professionals consulted: Ms Gillian Bowker - Infant Feeding Advisor GG&C; Mrs Anisa Patel - Neonatal Pharmacist RHC; Mrs Lauren Williams - Neonatal Pharmacist RHC