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There is no funded emergency / inpatient OOH MRI service at the Royal Hospital for Children (RHC) Glasgow.
Urgent MRI scans are prioritised and performed at RHC within normal working hours.
This interim pathway covers spinal trauma where assessment indicates scanning out of hours may direct urgent surgical intervention
OOH defined as
Requests for an emergency out of hours MRI scan must be made after assessment and discussion with appropriate senior team members
Currently these examinations will be performed in the INS. Future staffing and service changes may allow them to be undertaken in QEUH using the above process
There is no agreement or pathway to provide emergency radiology to patients under the direct care (ED or inpatient) of other hospitals – these patients should be transferred to the care of an appropriate RHC team for assessment prior to MRI referral
An electronic request should be placed on Trak as per standard procedure
It must contain all appropriate clinical and MRI safety information
The paediatric radiologist will vet the request on CRIS. They will provide a scanning protocol – where possible this should align with the INS protocols (see appendix)
The referrer must consider and complete the patient safety questionnaire with concerns or questions clarified with the MRI radiography team prior to transfer
The INS does not have paediatric medical/resus cover.
The scans will be reviewed and reported primarily by the paediatric radiologist who can ask for support/opinion from the on call neuroradiologist if required
The patient will return to the referring location and the paediatric radiologist will communicate the result to the referring teams
Multi Level spine imaging
MST - Spinal Trauma – Please Specify Area of Focus |
Positioning: Centre at chin |
Localisers- Multiplane to cover full spine |
Sag T2 TSE specify area of interest |
Sag T2 STIR specify area of interest |
Sag T1 TSE specify area of interest |
T2 MEDIC Ax specify area of interest |
3D Sag T2 SPACE specify area of interest |
Ax T1 TSE specify level (# site) |
Sag T2 STIR over remainder of spine (single station if possible) |
Cord compression/Cauda Equina
MCTLS2 – 2 STATION (Screening) |
Positioning: Centre at chin |
Localisers- Multiplane to cover full spine |
Sag T2 TSE 2 station (2x 380FOV) |
Sag STIR 2 station |
Sag T1 TSE 2 station |
Ax T2 TSE over any area of obvious pathology |
Last reviewed: 12 September 2022
Next review: 12 September 2025
Author(s): Dr Ruth Allen (Consultant in Paediatric Radiology, RHCG)
Version: 1.3
Approved By: Scottish Trauma Network (STN) Paediatric Subgroup